What To Expect
We are proud of our record of 100% opportunity at harvesting a beautiful black bear. We base this success rate on the fact that every person who has ever been bear hunting at Safari River Outfitters has had a quality chance at a black bear. A few hunters have passed on bears they have seen or missed shots, but they all agree they had legitimate opportunities.
Black bear hunting in Canada should not be a hit-or-miss experience. While nothing can ever be absolutely guaranteed in hunting, we do everything we can to provide you a quality hunting experience from start to finish. Our high hunting success rate is directly attributed to our large, game-rich hunting area and hard- working, knowledgeable guides who are willing to get back into the 550,000 acres of almost continuous isolated terrain to assure you the best chance at a trophy bear – and a memorable experience.
Black bear are definitely plentiful but finding pockets holding large numbers of bears is a key factor in our bear-hunting success. We are fortunate to be located in an area that hosts large numbers of black bears AND large bears. Bears weighing in excess of 400 pounds are not uncommon. If your bear-hunting goal is to take a “real” trophy, then here is your opportunity.
We specialize in catering to bowhunters looking to harvest one of these northern Saskatchewan bruins. Our Millennium stands are the most comfortable and quiet stands on the market. And if you’re looking for eye-level excitement, we also provide up-close-and-personal hunting from ground blinds.

The Location
Saskatchewan is well known for both large numbers of bears and great trophy bears. The black bear hunting in OUR part of Saskatchewan is even better.
The habitat is a mix of dense forest, swamps and farmland. Black bears thrive in our area, making it ideal for bear hunting. The opportunity for a large color-phase bear is realistic. Our location is home to all color phases, including brown, chocolate, cinnamon, blonde, white patches and black. We are uniquely situated on the border of farmland and the Northern Provincial Forest. We enjoy the best of both worlds, with bears thriving in the thick forest and those foraging on farmland crops. Most often, we hunt from treestands placed in strategic locations.

Sample Itinerary
Day 1: Arrival Day
Enjoy settling into the comfortable and beautiful Lakeside or Riverside lodge. Accommodations include Wi-Fi, cable TV (and a hot tub at Lakeside lodge).
- You can sight in your bow or firearm, go for a UTV sightseeing ride, fish or just relax and settle in near a bonfire
- Enjoy a delicious meal prepared by Chef Craig (Riverside) or Chef Lori (Lakeside)
- Welcome speech before or after supper by Lance and Emily
Day 2:
- 8 a.m.: Breakfast prepared by Chef
- Pack your own lunch (A sandwich-meat spread and snacks are provided.)
- 10 a.m.: Hunter meetings with your guide to go over details of your hunt, including safety equipment, game camera pictures, departure time as well as answer your questions
- Sight in your bow/firearm (If you didn’t do so already.)
- Depart in the afternoon with your guide
- After hunting, arrive back to lodge, wash up and prepare for the evening
- Dinner (In Saskatchewan this time of year it is light until approximately 9:30 p.m. so supper can be late.)
- Prepare for morning hunt
Days 3-6: Repeated hunt schedule (Meetings, sighting in not required.) as Day 2
- Once you have harvested your bear, you can relax or enjoy numerous other adventures
Day 7: Departure Day
- Breakfast and optional morning hunt, if desired
- Pack up: Your guide will help pack your bear hide, skull and meat for travel
- Depart for Saskatoon or Edmonton